Real-life, actionable recommendations to boost your immune system. Take a deep dive in to your immune function and your body’s relationship with crucial vitamins and your immunity.
You don’t need to be a professional athlete or a regular gymgoer to understand the importance of healthy muscles for everyday life.
Your sight can diminish and be prone to issues for many reasons. Your genetic makeup tells the story of how well you process the important nutrients for your eye health.
Your skin health is vitally important and can be damaged in a number of ways from external sources to how your body genetically processes nutrition.
Having an unhealthy gut can lead to a whole array of health issues. We all have over 100 trillion bacteria in our guts, which are required to metabolise the foods that we eat each day.
Your mental health can be affected through myriad of factors – from your environment to your genetics. This health insight reports on your genetic variants that can play a part in health mind.
We’re all susceptible to injuries whether you’re a sports person or you’ve never set foot in a gym. Your genes determine what kind of injuries you’re susceptible to and we can let you know how to combat these risks.
Ageing well is something that we all want and aspire to. There are numerous genetic insights in to how we can improve our anti-ageing ability. Your profile will look at your skin ageing and how well you can keep cognition – among others.
Stress can affect us all at any time of our lives. But did you know, how you deal with stress and its triggers can be explained by your genetics? Our DNA profile reports on stress and pressure to caffeine and stress, and everything in between.
Your inflammatory response plays an integral part in many of your body’s functions. It ensures you deal with infection or injury but can have a negative effect if your inflammation becomes chronic.
Learn how your body recovers after exercise and if you’re gifted with above average muscle power. Whatever your health goal is, your Physical health DNA reports, together with our hyper-personalised plans and recommendations, will get you there.
Vitamins are critically important to your health and wellbeing. You will receive 12 reports detailing your specific health risks to being deficient in vital micronutrients, including iron and vitamin B12.
Sleep is essential for us. Discover how you sleep and what effects your sleep quality. Learn how to sleep better and improve your health and longevity.
Are you a warrior or a worrier? Discover how you deal with certain psychological strains and put in to action our expert recommendations to thrive depending on your genetic predispositions.
Supplements are a great way to add extra nutrients to your health plan. Your DNA report will highlight how your body responds to certain supplements, such as BCAAs and creatine.
Discover your genetic Type 2 Diabetes risk and your risk of developing high blood pressure along with other health risks. Put in to practice our expert recommendations to reduce any risks you may be genetically predisposed to.
Your DNA profile looks at many different areas in relation to your diet. From how your body responds to carbohydrates to your risk of being lactose intolerant, with many more in between.
Memory is essential as it allows us to learn, develop language, personality and relationships. Discover how your memory compares to your chronological age and track improvements with epigenetic testing.
Certain genetic components can accelerate hearing loss, find out how healthy your hearing actually is and track any improvements over time.
Your eyes are extremely complex and require a variety of nutrients to keep them healthy. Use Muhdo’s epigenetic test to find and track how healthy your eyes are.
Your biological age is a true reflection of your inner health and can vary from your chronological age. Discover your true age and find out ways to improve it so your inner self stays youthful.
Your DNA profile looks at many different areas in relation to your diet. From how your body responds to carbohydrates to your risk of being lactose intolerant, with many more in between.
Find out how your body responds to carbohydrates guiding you to tweak your diet.
See if you have a normal response or if you have a high risk of gaining weight through consumption of saturated fats.
Discover if your body benefits from consuming unsaturated fats.
Everybody responds differently to protein, find out your protein response.
Genetic variations mean each person responds to sugar in a different way. Learn how you respond.
Are you a sweet or savoury person? Now you can uncover it for certain.
Do you crave bitter food and drink? See if the reason is in your genes.
Realise if your urge to snack is in your genes and adapt your diet to stay healthy.
Find out your body’s rate of energy expenditure. Do you have a fast, slow or normal metabolic rate?
Knowing where your body is likely to store fat could help you prevent unwanted fat build up.
Some people respond well to yoyo dieting, others gain more weight. See if it could work for you.
You might have an idea if you’re intolerant, but now you can know for certain.
Vitamins are critically important to your health and wellbeing. You will receive 12 reports detailing your specific health risks to being deficient in vital micronutrients, including iron and vitamin B12.
Learn if you have a risk of being vitamin D deficient
Vitamin A is important for reducing free radicals. Discover if you’re at risk of being deficient.
Iron deficiency causes anaemia – do you know if you’re at risk of being deficient?
Magnesium deficiency affects 50% of the world’s population – where do you fall?
Potassium deficiency can lead to high blood pressure, headaches and dehydration.
Learn if you are at risk of being sodium deficient. Sodium is essential for blood pressure, volume and Ph levels.
It’s important for red blood cell production – discover if you have a risk of vitamin B6 deficiency.
See if you have a vitamin B12 deficiency – one of the most common deficiencies.
Important for DNA synthesis, cell division and substrate methylation – and very important during pregnancy.
Discover if your body needs more Omega-3 than the recommended daily allowance to optimise your health.
Calcium is needed for strong bones – Do you know if you’re consuming enough for your body?
Find out if you have any genetic variants linking you to any benefit of increasing your choline intake.
Discover your genetic Type 2 Diabetes risk and your risk of developing high blood pressure along with other health risks. Put in to practice our expert recommendations to reduce any risks you may be genetically predisposed to.
Find out if you are sensitive to caffeine and how much caffeine could cause unwanted symptoms.
Discover if you are at risk of bone mineral disorders like osteoporosis and which vitamins and minerals you should consume to combat them.
Realise if you are at risk of a genetic predisposition to obesity and change habits to help prevent this.
Some people are more genetically at risk to Type 2 Diabetes – do you know if you’re at risk?
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is largely due to lifestyle and genetic factors. See if you’re genetically at risk.
Learn if you have a genetic risk of catching more colds and flu than the average person. We’ll also give you recommendations of ways to stop getting ill.
Supplements are a great way to add extra nutrients to your health plan. Your DNA report will highlight how your body responds to certain supplements, such as BCAAs and creatine.
Learn how well your genes can utilise BCAAs – which helps to prevent muscle tissue breakdown.
Discover if increasing glutamine intake will have a positive effect on your health or training.
Know if creatine is a beneficial supplement for your health or training.
Beta-Alanine helps to reduce chances of fatigue, but do you know if it is a beneficial supplement for your genetic makeup?
Are you a warrior or a worrier? Discover how you deal with certain psychological strains and put in to action our expert recommendations to thrive depending on your genetic predispositions.
Are you a warrior or a worrier? How do you deal with pain, stress and pressure?
Learn how your body recovers after exercise and if you’re gifted with above average muscle power. Whatever your health goal is, your Physical health DNA reports, together with our hyper-personalised plans and recommendations, will get you there.
Discover if you are gifted at recruiting fast twitch muscle fibres efficiently – helping you to adapt to training quicker than most.
Learn if endurance-based training is in your genetic makeup and see how well you gain slow twitch muscle fibres.
You could have a gifted genetic variant for oxygen usage which means you could improve your VO2 max to a very good level.
Anaerobic threshold (AT) is the point at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood stream. Find out if you have a genetic AT gift.
Learn how much recovery your body genetically needs to fully repair itself after exercise.
Discover how easy it is for you to build muscle mass and learn how you should train smarter if you’re not gifted.
Find out if you are genetically at risk to injuries and how well you respond to rehab and recovery, which is aligned with your flexibility.
Inflammation occurs through harmful stimulants or stressors. Learn how your body responds to inflammation and, in turn, exercise, physical labour, illness and injury.
A higher lean body mass through genetics is rare – find out if you’re gifted.
Power to weight is highly important for endurance athletes but is genetically rare. Find out where your genetic makeup places you.
Realise how your weight responds to exercise with suggestions depending on your genetic variants.
Sleep is essential for us. Discover how you sleep and what effects your sleep quality. Learn how to sleep better and improve your health and longevity.
Do you prefer to stay up late or are you a morning person? It may be a genetic reason.
Discover genetically how long your body needs to sleep and read through our recommendations depending on your outcome.
If your sleep is broken up it could be down to your genetic variants. Learn ways to improve your sleep if it is fragmented.
Certain gene variants may put you at higher risk of narcolepsy which causes a host of health risks. Discover how likely you are genetically at risk of narcolepsy.
Stress might affect your quality of sleep. Learn if you are genetically at risk of stress affecting your sleep and find out how to change your habits to help.
Caffeine is a stimulant and may affect sleep. See if you are genetically likely for caffeine to disrupt your sleep and put into place actions to help you.
Ageing well is something that we all want and aspire to. There are numerous genetic insights in to how we can improve our anti-ageing ability. Your profile will look at your skin ageing and how well you can keep cognition – among others.
Physical fitness is vital in the maintenance of good quality of life, mobility, muscle strength and bone strength.
Certain genetic variants are linked to us losing cognition faster. Find out how you can slow the process.
Testosterone is a vital hormone for men and declines with age. It's important to understand if your genes are affecting your levels.
As we age our bones become weaker, but some people's genes may speed this up. Find out if this is you and what you can do to improve bone strength.
This aspect focuses on the genes that affect degeneration of the spine. Discover if you need to make interventions and dietary changes.
Stress can cause premature ageing. Find out how your genes impact how you respond to stress and put in to place measures to improve this.
This aspect looks at the genetic variants that may affect how your skin ages over time.
Stress can affect us all at any time of our lives. But did you know, how you deal with stress and its triggers can be explained by your genetics? Our DNA profile reports on stress and pressure to caffeine and stress, and everything in between.
How you respond to stressful situations may be due to a genetic variant. Learning this could lead to a better understanding of yourself.
Our genes play a role in memory recall and knowing if you are affected could help you with reducing stress levels and improving memory.
There is a correlation between isolation and certain genetic variants. learn how to reduce stress so you can more effectively deal with it.
Stress can cause a whole host of physical symptoms from headaches to diabetes. Understand how you can reduce this impact.
There are certain genetic variants being linked to how the heart may be affected by stress. Do you know if this is you?
Caffeine affects us all indifferent ways. Find out how it affects you genetically and what you can do to offset any negative effects.
We’re all susceptible to injuries whether you’re a sports person or you’ve never set foot in a gym. Your genes determine what kind of injuries you’re susceptible to and we can let you know how to combat these risks.
Your genetics can contribute to one of the most common healthcare complaints. Learn how you can mitigate this particular health risk.
~500,000 fractures happen each year due to fragile bones. Put in to place actions to reduce this risk.
Genetics plays a role in the development of this condition. Negate it's development with our personalised recommendations.
Your genetics play a role in knee injury risk. Put in to place measures to reduce this health risk with nutritional and physical advice.
To help build the best rehab plan, knowing certain gene variants takes one aspect out of the equation.
Your mental health can be affected through myriad of factors - from your environment to your genetics. This health insight reports on your genetic variants that can play a part in health mind.
If you have a genetically low attention span discover how you can improve it.
Could working compulsively to meet your goals be in your genes? We can recommend how to optimise your productivity.
Caffeine is the world's most widely used psychoactive drug. It also has many negative side effects. There is a slim line between stimulated and agitated.
Genetics influence how well our memory stands the test of time. Access DNA-based recommendations to improve how you deal with memory tasks.
Some of us might excel with night work, other just don't get on with it. Is your productivity lowered during night time?
Having an unhealthy gut can lead to a whole array of health issues. We all have over 100 trillion bacteria in our guts, which are required to metabolise the foods that we eat each day.
Damage due to gluten intolerances can lead to large amounts of inflammation, pain and even malnutrition.
If you have any issues with your gut lining your immune cells could be killing the good bacteria in your gut.
The gene CDKN2B has a strong association with periodontitis which can lead to teeth falling out and jaw damage.
Stress and anxiety has a profound effect on our gut and overall health. There are genetic variants that link stress with gut health.
Caffeine can have a negative effect on many parts of your health. Do you know if your gut health is affected by caffeine?
Your skin health is vitally important and can be damaged in a number of ways from external sources to how your body genetically processes nutrition.
You should always protect your skin from strong light. But all of us have different sensitivity to the sun.
Low levels of carotene and vitamin A can lead to skin dryness and poor wound healing. Do you need to supplement?
You could be genetically predisposed to gluten causing you skin conditions.
Your sight can diminish and be prone to issues for many reasons. Your genetic makeup tells the story of how well you process the important nutrients for your eye health.
Inflammation and oxidisation are two main areas that will need to be looked at for age related sight degeneration.
Cataracts occur when the lens within the eye develops cloudy patches, which over time can lead to blindness.
OAG creeps up on the sufferer with no symptoms until it is too late. You could be genetically at risk of OAG and you could put in to place actions to mitigate the risk.
Poor conversion levels can lead to poor eye health, including reduced night vision and dry eyes.
B vitamins are important for maintaining healthy eyes. They help reduce oxidative stress and homocysteine.
You don't need to be a professional athlete or a regular gymgoer to understand the importance of healthy muscles for everyday life.
This genetic variant may lead to increased performance in certain sports and possible greater muscle mass.
Understanding these gene variants can help with altering recovery periods after exercise and how to deal with it.
The psychological effects of stress can also manifest itself in shoulder, back and muscle pain.
Coenzyme Q10 effects everyone differently, but can lead to muscle damage, pain and weakness.
Real-life, actionable recommendations to boost your immune system. Take a deep dive in to your immune function and your body's relationship with crucial vitamins and your immunity.
Do you have the genetic variants that link you to a great immune system?
Vitamin D plays an integral part in your immune function.
Each B vitamin needs to function together for a strong immune system.
Discover if you might be getting enough selenium from your diet.
PTPN22 helps supress inflammation and your immune function.